Holistic Abdominal Therapy

Michelle integrates a combination of the ancient techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage and Chi Nei Tsang, along with Visceral Manipulation techniques into each abdominal therapy session. 

Theses non-invasive, external massage techniques work by relieving congestion and blockages to improve the flow of energy and fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems for optimum health and well being.

Uterine / Pelvic / Reproductive Health

Normally the uterus leans slightly over the bladder in the center of the pelvis. It is held in this position by muscles and ligaments. The ligaments and muscles can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to fall downward, forward, backward or to either side.

When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections, causing painful menstruation and fertility issues. By shifting the uterus back into place the natural balance of the body is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for a healthy reproductive system,  pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area are diminished when addressed by abdominal therapy.

Digestive Benefits / Scar Tissue / Abdominal Surgery

Individuals with digestive disorders such as constipation, indigestion, heartburn, gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and more can benefit greatly by using Holistic Abdominal Therapy. 

Scar tissue and adhesions can often cause sluggish digestion and circulation after abdominal surgery. Holistic Abdominal Therapy helps to break down the scar tissue and adhesions from past or present surgeries that result in swelling, burning and deep aching pains in the pelvis.

Urinary System 

If the uterus is leaning on the bladder, or if the prostate gland is swollen and impacting the bladder, a person may experience a wide range of urinary issues. A tipped uterus can result in incontinence, leaking, bladder infections, and frequency. A swollen prostate gland can diminish the urine stream, make it difficult to initiate the flow of urine and cause frequency.

Painful Menstruation and PMS

Holistic Abdominal Therapy can help reduce or eliminate menstrual cramping and symptoms of PMS, such as bloating, irritability, depression, headaches and migraines. Many women report feeling more centered and calm with a noticeable decrease in symptoms after a series of abdominal therapy treatments.  

Emotional Release

The abdomen is an area where people often store repressed emotions that can be the cause of muscular armoring and a consequent decrease in vitality and fluid circulation. Abdominal therapy can energize, strengthen, and detoxify your system to enable, identify and release stuck or repressed emotions.

Pelvic Floor Stagnation and Congestion

The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that are arranged within the pelvis like a sling or hammock, connecting the front, back, and sides of the pelvis and sacrum. They provide support to the organs of the pelvis, including the bladder, uterus or prostate, and rectum.

When there is stagnation in the pelvic floor, abnormal muscle tension develops as a protective response to pain. This abnormal guarding of these muscles becomes a secondary source of pain and can also lead to many other symptoms. For this reason, people with pelvic pain are often provided significant relief of these symptoms by releasing the tension and bring the blood and lymphatic flow back into the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Comprehensive list of symptoms that can be improved by incorporating Holistic Abdominal Therapy into ones health care.

What Could Cause a Displaced Uterus?

  • Chronic muscle spasm around the low back and sacrum.

  • Emotional armoring from abuse at anytime in life.

  • High impact exercise, running on cement, etc.

  • Injury to the sacrum or tailbone from a fall, car accidents, childbirth, etc.

  • Lifting and carrying heavy objects too soon after childbirth.

  • Past surgeries.

  • Pelvic ligaments that have weakened during pregnancy and birth.

  • Time and gravity.

  • Weak pelvic floor muscles.

Holistic Abdominal Therapy is offered as a supportive modality to enhance health and wellness, it is not meant as an entire approach to health care. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health care provider first.

Depending on the severity of the problem, it may take as little as one session and as long as many months for the uterine position to be corrected and for the ligaments to gain enough strength and elasticity for it to stay in place. It can take about 3 to 4 sessions before noticeable changes occur.

Vaginal / Yoni Steam Bath

To enhance your results, consider scheduling a steam along with your abdominal therapy session.